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1 62 Me ask that friend buy this, too!
2 62 I'm on patrol today!
3 62 I see, I see...
4 62 Heeey! Pull me up, will ya?!
5 62 Resources aplenty, meh...
6 62 Does it look fixable?
7 62 ...There's not enough stuff here.
8 62 Another peaceful day in Torigoth...
9 62 I wish father would come home soon...
10 62 I wanna get my Blade good Core Chips...
11 62 Such nice picture of landscape...
12 62 That fish looks delish!
13 62 It's a whopper of a catch!
14 62 How much for this, please?
15 62 So the windmill grinds the flour?
16 62 That's right!
17 62 Where do kids get the energy...?
18 62 I like this playground a lot.
19 62 This last order was pretty hefty.
20 62 Actually, I like to stay busy.
21 62 That's so cold! I'll get you for that one!
22 62 Ahhh! So cold!
23 62 I wonder what's past the horizon...
24 62 I hear there are some hot places, and some cold places, too.
25 62 Is this spot good for fishing? Let's find out!
26 62 I think you'd have better luck fishing in Coolley Lake outside Torigoth.
27 62 Wanna go to the harbor?
28 62 I'd love to go ogle some new makeup.
29 62 That Dward sure likes fishing, huh?
30 62 That place look like good for salvaging.
31 62 It look awfully deep... Friend go yourself.
32 62 Ah! I saw a fish!
33 62 If I bring it home, d'you think my ma will like it?
34 62 Just look at those water wheels!
35 62 Using falling water for power? Clever, very clever...
36 62 Toodley-doo~♪
37 62 Dam-de-ram~♪ Pam-pam~♪
38 62 Great, now it stuck in my head too...
39 62 Squee!
40 62 Ooh! So enchanting!
41 62 There was some disturbance at the base lately.
42 62 No clue what it's about.
43 62 What, what?! Go away, meh!
44 62 There's some brouhaha going on at that pier over there.
45 62 Might go check it out later.
46 62 Is this the last of the luggage?
47 62 Yeah, this should be all of it.
48 62 Are you taking this boat?
49 62 That's right.
50 62 Watch out!
51 62 It's fiiine. Fine, fine, fine.
52 62 Me have news, straight from boat from Argentum! Is perfect for any rumor-loving Gormott friends!
53 62 I should get my family a souvenir. But what...?
54 62 Hey, pass me that drink, would you?
55 62 Roger that.
56 62 Thanks for sharing the other day!
57 62 Don't mention it.
58 62 Let's try sneaking into the base again!
59 62 I don't wanna... We got an earful the last time they found us...
60 62 That Gormotti kid's always there.
61 62 Is she trying to make friends, or what?
62 62 There's so many flowers I've never seen before!
63 62 You don't know how to climb trees? Lemme teach you!
64 62 I don't know if I can...
65 62 Let's go look at Armus!
66 62 The big ones are scary! And there's a lot of big ones...
67 62 What's this building here?
68 62 It's the Consulate. It's where some big-wigs work.
69 62 Ah, that's a nice view...
70 62 Shall we go shopping later?
71 62 Not a bad idea. So long as there's drinking!
72 62 What an enormous windmill.
73 62 Yeah, it's a good view from here.
74 62 Are you gonna be a soldier when you grow up?
75 62 I'd rather just carry stuff.
76 62 That doesn't belong in this tranquil scene.
77 62 I guess so, but... what're you gonna do?
78 62 I think I might get some meat at the base today.
79 62 Ahoy there! Need a hand?
80 62 Ugh, gotta go home and start cooking...
81 62 C'mon, let's play together!
82 62 After we take this little guy back to the farm.
83 62 One! Two! Three! Four!
84 62 Outdated equipment? Again?
85 62 Quit your whining. It's the butt-end of the Empire, what do you expect?
86 62 Is this all the goods for transport?
87 62 Some more bits and bobs are still coming.
88 62 It's another cheerful day here in the woods.
89 62 Huh, I wonder. D'you think Gormott's Titan is happy? 'Cos I think so.
90 62 Yeah, come to think of it, all this is part of the Titan...
91 62 Me come to buy lumber! And sell daily use goods in return!
92 62 Wood's gotten awfully cheap recently.
93 62 If we take quality wood from Gormott and use to reinforce Goldmouth... Oh, be still my beaty-beaty heart!
94 62 Ughhh...
95 62 ...Bleurgh, I knew I shouldn't have drunk so much last night...
96 62 You write home often?
97 62 Actually, I haven't lately... Maybe I ought to.
98 62 They're researching ways to make Archelon even more powerful back in the fatherland!
99 62 Let's hope that pans out.
100 62 I'll not lose to a soldier!
101 62 Looking good, though I'll remind you we're meant to be on break...
102 62 There's no way I can work all the way up there...
103 62 Huh? How did you keep it together on the Titan Battleship on the way here?
104 62 Stop! Don't hurt! Me just come to deliver parcel!
105 62 Every time same mistake! Why! Why??!!
106 62 Time for a breather...
107 62 Hey, I want to ride number eight. Move those plates, would you?
108 62 What're you on about? Asshole.
109 62 Uhh... No, sorry, can't hear a thing.
110 62 Not so many casualties lately...
111 62 Man, I'm a sucker for that look of disdain Lady Mòrag's got going on.
112 62 ...Hey, are you all right?
113 62 Please grab those vegetables for me.
114 62 I'm staring at the sky, looking at passing birds.
115 62 That windmill never ceases to amaze me.
116 62 Um, about our next shipping route...
117 62 As a general rule, here's what you do...
118 62 We must be able to adapt to any and all circumstances.
119 62 A farm, next-door to the base? Just wow.
120 62 Peace has made these people soft.
121 62 Whaddya think of this scenery? Pretty great, huh?
122 62 There's a lot of 'em...
123 62 It's food, isn't it?
124 62 I don't know what to do now...
125 62 Why do we have to leave?!
126 62 I'm sorry... I've got orders to not let you pass.
127 62 Please hurry it up.
128 62 Brrrrrrrr...
129 62 Let us out, meh...
130 62 The info broker's got a rumor about a Titan that's been launched! Curious!